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Welcome to L.O.H. ® (Ladies of Harley). Ladies of Harley® is a group of female Harley-Davidson® enthusiasts promoting activities and adventures from within our local Harley Owners Group® (H.O.G.®) Chapter. All Ladies who are members of the Winnipeg Chapter are, by virtue of that membership, members of L.O.H. ®. Whether you ride solo or as a passenger, the L.O.H. ® promotes ladies’ participation in the world of Harley-Davidson®. The active members of L.O.H. ® are a group of women who enjoy organizing and participating in social, travel and charitable events resulting in everlasting friendships. It does not matter whether you are a passenger or ride your own, you can be a part of L.O.H. ®!
Did you know being a national member of Ladies of Harley® is FREE? If you are a national H.O.G. ® member, you can join, regardless of whether you are a full, life, or associate member. You must contact H.O.G. ® and tell them you'd like to be a member of L.O.H. ®. Just call 1-800-CLUBHOG(1-800-258-2464) or visit the MEMBERS ONLY part of HOG.COM. Go to update membership profile and click the yes option for L.O.H. ® and you're done! After you've joined, you will receive a L.O.H. ® embroidered patch and an L.O.H. ® pin each year in addition to the annual H.O.G. ® patch and pin.
Remember, L.O.H. ® is not about where you ride on the bike -- it's about ladies sharing their common passions for Harley-Davidson® motorcycles!
To make it easier to keep you informed, I would love to add your email address to my L.O.H. ® list. To be included, please contact me at
Everything looks better from the inside of a motorcycle helmet.
Michelle Tillett
Ladies of Harley Officer