Winnipeg HOG® Chapter 9024
We're a casual organization of people who like to ride our motorcycles and maybe do a little socializing (or a lot of socializing, if you like). As a Chapter Member, you'll have the chance to meet other people who are interested in riding; we have more than 100 members so you are likely to find someone that you like to ride with. Here, in the following pages of our website, you'll get more of an idea about our group, our passion for HOG® and what we do on and off our bikes.
Our Chapter meets on the last Thursday of every month @ 7:00 p.m., (except July and Dec) at Smitty's Restaurant (2835 Pembina Highway). The meetings are generally short, informative and fun. Many of us arrive at 6:00pm to have a bite to eat and often a quick Ice Cream run will take place after the meetings during riding season. Be sure also to check our Rideline and Face Book page for additional ride and activity information.
Come out to one of our meetings or events. We welcome guests always and we look forward to meeting new folks interested in the HOG® family and riding.
See you on the road!
Dave B.
Chapter Director
The Anne Ross Day Nursery is a Program of Mount Carmel Clinic, located at 511 King St. Winnipeg, MB.
Mount Carmel Clinic developed this early intervention program to meet the health and educational needs of preschool children. Click below button to link to their website .
Our Chapter's sponsor Dealership is Harley-Davidson® Winnipeg. With over 25 years of Harley-Davidson® experience you are invited to come and see them for all your riding needs. Click below button to link to their website .
Rideline 1-204-989-3900